South Carolina Legislature


Privacy Policy

    Legislative Services Agency (LSA) maintains this website as a public service.

    LSA does not capture personal information about any visitor to its site without their permission. When you browse the website without logging on to any of the interactive online services, you do so anonymously. Personal information, such as your name, address, phone number, or e-mail address, is not collected as you browse. Information, such as your domain name, Internet Protocol number, and date and time of your visit, is logged, but not tied to your personal identity. The South Carolina General Assembly uses this information to track the number of customers who visit the site and identify the most popular pages in order to improve site content and accessibility. LSA does not report or use this information in any manner that would reveal personally identifiable information and does not release the information to any outside parties unless required to do so under applicable law.

    Transaction Information

    LSA uses secured servers. The website may use cookies to provide interactive pages, such as web-based search forms. LSA does not use the information for other purposes.
    No user information will be collected through the use of cookies except that which is required to run the specific application being accessed by the user.


    E-Mail addresses are collected for the purpose of using the subscription (bill tracking) applications. The programs require an e-mail address in order for the recipient to receive their information. LSA uses the information only for that purpose.

    Accessibility Policy

    Every effort has been made to ensure this website is compliant with the policies adopted by the State of South Carolina for website accessibility. LSA has followed "Section 508" guidelines and W3C Web Accessibility Initiative standards to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In doing so, we are committed to ensuring that this website is accessible by people with disabilities. We will continue these efforts as our website evolves and changes in the future.

Legislative Services Agency
h t t p : / / w w w . s c s t a t e h o u s e . g o v